The coronavirus has been named COVID-19 by the World Health Organisation. Over 75,000 have been infected and 1,618 deaths reported globally. Majority of the cases are in China and the disease has been reported in 27 other countries.
There has been no reported cases in Africa. The world is small village due to the ease of travel. COVID-19 is a public health issue and because of the nature of its spread no country is immune from eventual spread to it,
Novel coronavirus can be spread by people who aren’t exhibiting symptoms and as such heightened awareness and surveillance are important
For this reason, it is essential that all nations are ready to manage this disease - recognition of symptoms, diagnosis and management.
Readiness includes screening at ports of entry, the ability to test for the virus, provision of quarantine and treatment facilities
While the world combats containing the spread of the disease, Africa must put in place measures to keep COVID-19 out of the continent with a weak health system.